MamyPoko Pants Diaper Pant XXL (15-25kg) 22pcs
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MamyPoko Pants Diaper Pant This soft diaper features Speed Air Wave sheets that can absorb instantly to keep bottom completely dry.

  • Product Type : Diapers
  • Brand : MamyPoko
  • Quantity : 22s
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Total Price:

    Brand: Mamypoko
    SKU: MPPDPX152522P
    Categories: Babycare & Toy
    Tags: MamyPoko Pants Diaper,Pants Diaper Pant

    MamyPoko Pants Diaper Pant XXL

    MamyPoko Pants Diaper Pant Popok yang lembut di kulit bayi. Dengan Soft Cotton Belt yang lembut di bagian pinggang dan pangkal paha. Kelembutannya pas mengikuti bentuk tubuh si Kecil tanpa meninggalkan bekas kemerahan. Kelembutan No.1 dari antara MamyPoko Pants.

    MamyPoko Pants Diaper Pant This soft diaper features Speed Air Wave sheets that can absorb instantly to keep bottom completely dry.

    • Speed Air Wave sheets that can absorb instantly to keep bottom completely dry
    • Gentle to your baby's delicate skin
    • Superior absorbency up to 12 hours